Modifiers are priced in different ways than the menu items. The following picture shows when a customer asks for a Sandwich he can choose modifiers from 2 modifier groups: Cheese and Vegetables. There will be always a Maximum number on a group. Stores will set multiple prices on each modifier based on the portion or multiple quantities. But 2 main prices must be set in each of them:
- Regular Modifier Price. When the number of selected modifiers are less than Maximum quantity for that group.
- Extra Modifiers Price. Price of a modifier when it exceeds the Max.

In this example, if Max quantity of “Cheese group” is 2. Then for the first 2 slices of cheddar cheese will be $0.50. The third cheese will be $1.00.
Figure: Modifiers in Menu item
The following picture shows how to set up modifier prices in POS. (5) and (6)
Modifier price determined by Group

In the latest version of ORO POS ( 1.4 builds 138.6), stores can set a flat price for modifiers in a group. It can also apply price slabs by quantity. In the following example for 1-2 cheese, it will charge $0.25, and then for 6 to 10 items, they will go down to $0.05.
Figure: Modifier price by groups
To add price by modifiers group, Go to back-office→ explorers and edit an item. Then we need to add modifier groups and set minimum-maximum quantity and enable group-wise price settings.
We can also set the price rules by ranges as shown in the picture.

Modifier price rules in POS
Extra Modifier price
While taking an order, if the number of modifiers exceeds the maximum limit it will switch to the Extra modifier price.
In this example when more than 10 ( Max) modifiers are selected, POS will prompt for the price change.

Modifiers’ extra price always depends on the price set in the “Extra” column of each modifier. You can generate this price automatically with the help of your multipliers rules. By clicking on the “calc” button will calculate the regular price with the multipliers rules. Please check the multipliers section to know more about the multipliers rules.

When a store has a lot of modifiers, this may be difficult to set price for different modifiers. Instead of that stores can add % based rules, so that they can create multiple prices from the default modifier price.
For an instance, if a whole regular price is $2.00. Stores can add prices for half, quarter, extra, and triple $10, $50, $4.00, and $6.00 respectively.
In the case of multipliers, the default price is considered as 100% and other prices can be 200% or 50%. To add a multiplier go to the back office→ explorer→ multipliers→ create a new→ name your multiplier→ sets the percentage→ press ok to save.

Configure auto-selection of Multiplier
When a customer asks for more than the Max number of modifiers, POS checks modifier’s extra price is set or not. if there is no price set, it will check which type of multiplier is set for the Extra price. (2)
To configure the multiplier configuration, go to back-office→explorers→multipliers→configure–> select the multipliers of choice→ press ok to save.
There are more price settings for Pizza.

Figure: Extra Price configuration
Pizza Modifier Price by Size
In pizza, A store can charge different prices based on pizza sizes. For example, the following picture shows that a tomato topping is charged $1,$1.5, $2 & $2.5 for small, medium, large & extra-large pizza sizes respectively. These prices are automatically calculated by multipliers rules, but you can override them manually.

Pizza Modifier Price by Section
Pizza modifiers/toppings are priced the same way as a regular item. There are additional options for modifier prices on sections.
- Charge full if a customer wants a modifier(or topping) on half or quarter pizza
- Charge based on section size. Stores will configure half and quarter price in multipliers.