Bar Tab


Bar Tab is an essential part of the bar business.  Traditionally when a guest enters bar he can open a bar tab.   “opening” a bar tab means asking the bartender to tally drinks as they are ordered so that a guest can pay all at once when they are finished. This usually secured by handing the bartender a credit card, which they will either scan and hand back to you or hold until you ask to “close out your tab”.

Bartenders can name a bar tab by a guest’s name or any description so that they can be easily recognized. “Black hat guy”, “Gree Shirt Glasses” etc.

Setting up Bar Tab

Login back office–>admin–>order type and create an order type with  “Bar Tab” option as follows.


Bar tab pre-authorization

Some Bars practice a certain amount of pre-authorization on cards so that guests can leave without paying. And the Bar can charge from that amount. To set authorization limit in visit back-office–> terminal configuration –> card 

The system will ask you every time after opening a new bar tab. If you select No, it will consider a bar tab like a regular dine-in order. 

When a new tab is created as follows bartenders can tap on the “Bar tab” like a table and take orders. When done, she can tap on Settle and close the order.  

When done if a card is preauthorized guests can leave the bar. He can even pay with a different payment method.

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