Product: Cust
ORO POS : Adding a Simple item
For adding a simple item to the menu. for example, if you want to add a Spicy Chicken Burger to your menu, go to Back-office–> Explorers–> Menus & others->Click on New item After fill-up, the details click the Save button. Next for the visibility of the new item in the order type create a menu…
Minimum Requirements
Minimum requirements for ORO POS Minimum Recommended Processor Dual-Core Processor Intel I5 Monitor 1024×786 1024×786 or 1080p Hard drive 32GB SSD 64GB SSD or more Memory 2 GB 4 GB or more OS Windows 7 Windows 10 Linux 4+ Linux lastest Mac 10.4+ Mac Latest Java JDK 8 JDK 8
ORO POS Installation
This document will guide you on how to download the full-featured Trial and try it in your store. Unzip downloaded zip When you unzip ORO POS zip file you should see like this Start ORO POS for the first time In Windows Platform Click on oropos.exe file. First time it would create configure file and update…
New Store Setup Wizard
This document will guide you to build your POS system from scratch. We will remove the database and let the system create everything through the setup wizard. Table of content 1. Delete Database2. Restart POS3. Configure DB4. Run Wizard4.1. Store Setup4.2. Configure Payments4.3. Business Location4.4. Business Type4.5. Default Admin Account4.6. Currency Setup4.7. Receipt Printer4.8. Tax4.9….
Getting ready for Live system
After you have tried the demo database you should create a new database and set up your store. Fresh Database Installation This is a known issue that sometimes Hibernate fails to recreate Derby embedded. The easiest solution is to remove the database and create again. Configure Store Login to back-office with default password “1111” and Finish Menu Programming…
How to activate POS & plugin licenses
After a user has purchased ORO POS license, needs to obtain Terminal Key for the terminal where the user wants to run the POS. License activation process overview The user needs to run the POS and copy the license key and send over helpdesk/email to orocube. When the user will get the license…
Floorplan Configuration
To configure floorplan visit back-office–> floorplan–> configuration Show Table Name The default option is to show the table number on the table button. Choosing the second option will show the table name there. Other information in the table Server name on table, Token number on table and Reservation customer on table. By default the first…
Home Delivery and Pick up Using Cust Plugin
Home delivery order requires Cust Plugin, formerly known as OroCust provides delivery and pickup management in ORO POS. When a customer calls the store if store phone is connected to caller id device Cust will look for a matching phone number and suggest a delivery address. In other cases, the store operators can save the…
Terminal Configuration
In a store, computers connected to one database are referred to as terminals. Small stores with few products can run POS and database in one single terminal while large restaurants would use a database server and connect many terminals. This is important to understand terminal configuration because they define how each terminal will behave. In…
Store configuration
Store configurations are configuration for that outlet that apply to all the terminals. Login to BackOffice and click on Admin–>Configure Store General tab Enter a store name, address, and location. You should also use your admin email where all reports will be sent. Depending on your country’s locate you should use your date format. Charges…