Floreant POS – Installation Guid
1. Installation
- Our latest stable release is 1.4 build 1707. You can obtain it from here
- To run this software you must have Java 8 installed on your Computer. You can download JDK 8 from here.
- Unzipping the floreantpos zip file you should find a folder with the following files. floreantpos.jar file contains the main application.
- In most cases, double-clicking on floreantpos.jar will start the POS. If you run it in windows you may also click on floreantpos.bat. Our default database type is Apache Derby Embedded DB. If you need to use multiple terminals you have to use a derby server. Both of these databases are in the database folder. You can also go to the folder and start the application from the command line
java -jar floreantpos.jar

2. Login
We have two subsystems in the same Application.
- Admin will login back-office, set up the store, manage items and prices. He will take care of employee accounts and set their permission.
- Then day-to-day operating is performed in Front-end.

3. Now you are ready to go.
- Go to back-office and setup terminal
- Setup store and terminals
- Connect printers
- Enable cash drawer and make transactions.